31 October 2010

Inspiration board: fashionista cupcakes

I made this mood board, the inspiration for my vintage/retro fashionista cupcakes. I love the combination of vintage blue, turquoise, red and pink... just so pretty. And the dresses with the full skirts and tight bodices... and you can't get any more feminine than pearls and roses... so classy, classic and timeless. The pictures in the mood board are not mine, I found them from other sites and blogs in google searches. 
The photos of the cupcakes are mine.

26 October 2010

Frangipani and pearl wedding cupcakes!

Fragipanis have to be one of the most sybollic summer flowers.... from beaches to gardens... from Hawaiian to Australia. They are timeless and so pretty.
Here are my frangipani and pearl cupcakes... al little combination of white, ivory and yellow... covered in shimmery edible lustre of course!


24 October 2010

PINK enchanted garden cupcakes

I found this fairy wrapping paper the other day and it inspired me to make pink enchanted garden cupcakes exactly like the ones I made the other day but all pink and white. You really get this wintery, marsh mellow feeling... this is my kind of enchanted garden!! Forget the pink stereotype, it's just such a pretty colour.

22 October 2010

How to make ice-creams from gum paste

 10 easy steps to making ice-creams out of gum paste!!

Make the colour for the cone, use flesh or chestnut gel to get that light brown colour, and any colour for the ice cream. I used a bit of ruby to get that 'strawberry' red colour.

Dust the inside of the mould with icing sugar. I use a paint brush so I don't get icing sugar all over the place. The packets never seem to open neatly.

Shake excess sugar out so the inside of the mould is coated evenly.

Roll a small ball of gum paste nice and smooth so when you press it into the mould it goes in easily and takes a clear impression of the pattern.
LESS IS MORE is a good rule to follow here.

Press it into the 'cone' part only, leaving room for the other colour to form the top ice-cream part.

Wipe a tiny bit of edible glue on the top of the gum paste where the 'ice-cream' will meet the 'cone'. be careful not to get it on the mould as this will stop it coming out clean.

Press them in together.

The ice-cream should pop out easily if you dusted the mould with icing sugar. In the pictures below you can see a purple ice cream i made and it's slightly disfigured compared to the other ones. It got a bit stuck and when I pulled it out it twisted and lost some of it's shape and detail. :(

You can change the 'ice-cream' colour to give the feel of different flavours. I used lemon-lime gel to get that lemon sorbet appearance and grape gel for that dark bubble gum or blueberry appearance.  Let them dry for an hour or so, so they are easier to handle and use for decorating. Dust with a bit of Lustre Dust to give them an irresistible sparkle and you're done! They are so tiny and cute!

14 October 2010

My favourite photo

I kept seeing everyone posting on twitter #mygallery and couldn't work out what was going on! so I asked @mariannewhooley and found the origin of all the beautiful photo posts... stickyfingers1.blogspot.com

So without further ado, here is my contribution to this week's gallery... my favourite photo...

This is my favourite picture EVER. My DH snapped it. This was the first time I met my baby girl Aralia Rose. I was coming out of Anesthesia after a C-section.
She had been sucking on DH's finger for an hour and a half, waiting for me to come round.

This is my second favourite of all time, my two rugrats sitting on the verandah at our house in Australia. It was the first time she started laughing... and they havn't stopped since. They have that special sibling relationship and when they giggle, they go into thier secret sibling world.

Aralia Rose's feet... she let me paint her toe nails. I love her baby feet.

Quarrian in the summer of '10 after eating an icecream, then complained the sun was too bright.

Back in the day 2008... I was putting the clothes on the radiator to dry (see in background ha ha) and I caught this on my phone... little Q (18 mths looking up at big brother). Didn't last for long, I think he then drew on Brandon's homework and ran off to cause trouble somewhere else. Nothing's changed.

and last of all... this one... Ralie loves Xavier. She always asks him to pick her up and hugs him but as you can see, she is too heavy for him but he picks her up anyways because he adores her as much as she adores him.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed a sqiz at my kiddies. xo

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